How to uninstall Kaspersky from your PC
The next is the introduction of 2 Kaspersky products and also the method to uninstall them. (A) Kaspersky Antivirus Kaspersky Antivirus 7.0 Prevents unwanted applications from Installing themselves with no acceptance whilst additional anti-malware stops all kinds of malware like Trojans, worms, root kits, adware and key logger exploits. Kaspersky automatically scans e-mails and attachments, protecting you from e-mail borne malware and virus attacks. The following is your guide on how to uninstall Kaspersky in 2) Click Control Panel. 3) Click on the Add or Remove Programs. 4) Click on the Kaspersky Antivirus 7.0 at now installed apps list. 5) Click the Remove button to begin the uninstall procedure. 6) Reboot your PC after perform each the above measures. 7) Navigate to the directory "C: Program FilesK7 Computing", then delete the folder "K7 Computing" manually. (B) Kaspersky Internet Security KIS can pr...